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Since the turn of 21st century the technological advancements have reached unprecedented pace. While the evolution of technology is making life easier and longer on one hand, on the other it has brought massive challenges for the health and well being of people. We are faced with new challenges and diseases, with so called lifestyle ailments hitting younger population, a massive challenge for a young country like India. The search for remedies for these ailments has not been found with technology alone.

As the history has taught us, whenever humanity has faced the challenges for which modern times have not been able to provide answers, it is Nature which has come to our aid. The rapid pace of technological advancements have not yet yielded any solution for the diseases and ailments like Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis and many others. On the other hand, the stress and anxiety which modern lifestyle adds has only made matters worse. Today most of the youngsters are facing illnesses which have stress and anxiety as the root cause. Hence the search for health and well being has to be sought with nature based on the knowledge and wisdom of an ancient civilisation like India. Our forefathers have preserved and enriched this knowledge generation after generation, and it is a heritage which needs to cherished and savored for the benefit of present and future generations.

It is with this background and dream, that a bunch of youngsters, educated and trained in modern medicine and pharmaceutical sciences, came together in the year 2007 to start a journey of health, wellness and happiness and named it Upchaar Bharti. The philosophy on which Upchaar Bharti came into being was to preserve, promote and propagate the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, Unani and Sidha medicine and to search for the answers to the present-day health challenges. The AYUSH medicinal system has been practiced in our country for hundreds of years and it still enjoys massive following for it’s efficacy, availability, accessibility and affordability. The guiding principles of Upchaar Bharti has been shaped by these 4 factors and can be further explained as below:

  • Efficacy: Maintaining the highest standards of quality and consistency of formulations is one of the key factors in providing reliable and standardized products.
  • Availability: Making the products available in nooks and corners of the country for ease of general public.
  • Accessibility: Employing the latest technological advancements, setting up virtual and online mediums of consultations will enhance the access of this therapy for millions of Indians.
  • Affordability: Every year thousands of families are pushed below poverty line because of healthcare associated costs. At Upchaar Bharti the mission is to make the best quality products at the most affordable prices.

Since 2007, Upchaar Bharti slowly but steadily, has been pursuing its mission of “Health with Herbs”. We started this mission with three brand offerings i.e. Livrin – The liver syrup, Asaabi – The health tonic, Leucorrect – The remedy for Leucorrhea. These products proved to be successful in helping patients of these ailments to date.

Gradually, Upchaar Bharti continued the introduction of new products from time to time after a rigorous research and development process and introduced products in different categories. So far, Upchaar Bharti has successfully launched and providing healthcare with a portfolio of 14 products. The company is also preparing to serve through online  platforms to make its products available across India in an easier way.

Upchaar Bharti is committed to deliver quality products and quality services to the medical fraternity while providing HEALTH WITH HERBS – THE INDIAN WAY.